Untitled, 2005 is one of Alexander Ross's first successful and striking forays into the art of printmaking. The bold imagery, large size and vibrantly saturated colors of this print are all qualities the artist has used to approximate the presence and scale of his paintings. And like the paintings, his imagery has combined the figurative yet abstract subject matter while relaying the topographical feel of his painting process into the medium of silkscreen printing. The print is bold, both in scale and dynamism. It's 'subject', a large and sinuous Play-Doh-like asteroid, pock-marked and glistening, hurtling (or perhaps just floating) through its ambiguous space. Ross's technique to create the print began as it does with most of his paintings: first a physical clay object is sculpted and photographed, then manipulated on the computer to create and accentuate the desired effects. As with much of his imagery, the subject of the work remains at once mysterious and specific. His fascination with science fiction, the microscopic world, space, and surface are all evident. In particular, the process of screenprinting has had the effect of accentuating the map-like feeling of the artist's painting process.